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Climate Change Isn’t Coming – It’s Already Here. Time to Get Going.



Bob Bunting, CEO of the Climate Adaptation Center, was an invited speaker for the Conference on Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) hosted by the Rohrer College of Business at Rowan University on October 14, 2022. The RCB partnered with the Global Interdependence Center and the Center for Responsible Leadership. Other presenters were from Bloomberg, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, AIG, Moody’s, Rowan University, University of South Florida, Cooper Medical School, Cumberland Advisors, Morgan Stanley, and WisdomTree.

ESG refers to corporate data that describe the company’s environmental, social, and governance practices, and their impacts. An ESG program is a form of risk management that monitors a material risk based on the external costs generated as a result of doing business. An Environmental example of external cost is the cost to society of air pollution from motor vehicles – neither the vehicle manufacturer nor the vehicle user cover that cost.

Bob’s presentation on The Science Behind Climate Change was based on the theme that we know the climate has changed, we know that the consequences for society are increasingly dire, and we know that action must be taken — not only to mitigate further climate change, but also to adapt to impacts we are already experiencing.

The following slides excerpted from Bob’s presentation are very much on point. Use them to help convince your friends, your coworkers, and your government representatives that “we must adapt and mitigate now or give up our way of life.”





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