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2024 is already bringing the world a lot of extreme weather.  In Brazil, flooding killed dozens of people and paralyzed a city of about 4 million people. On top of the flooding, a heatwave stifling Brazil has set new records with Rio de Janeiro’s heat index hitting 144.1 degrees.

Voters and politicians in India, amid national elections, are fainting in heat that hit as high as 115 degrees. The index was more than 125 degrees. Some there are calling it the ‘most extreme event’ in climate history.

The brutal Asian heat wave has closed schools in the Philippines, killed people in Thailand and set records all over the region. Record temperatures — especially at night when it just won’t cool down — have hit many parts of Africa.

Flooding has devastated Houston this month. More than 400 people had to be rescued from homes, rooftops and roads flooded in murky water.

The United States as a whole just had its second highest number of tornadoes for the month of April.

So far in 2024, just a little more than 3 months in, there has been 7 confirmed weather/climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each to affect United States.

This is on the heels of a record year of disasters in 2023.

In 2023, the U.S. experienced 28 separate weather and climate disasters costing at least 1 billion dollars. That number puts 2023 into first place for the highest number of billion-dollar disasters in a calendar year.

As Earth’s climate continues to warm, it is impacting extreme weather across the planet. Record-breaking heat waves on land and in the ocean, drenching rains, severe floods, years-long droughts, extreme wildfires, and widespread flooding during hurricanes are all becoming more frequent and more intense.

So, more is likely to come this year as extraordinary global heat continues its streak. Last month, the world saw the hottest April on record. It marks 11 consecutive months of unprecedented global temperature records.

If this record pace of warming continues, 2024 could be another record year of climate disasters, breaking the record set just last year.

With the record warm planet, the upcoming hurricane season is forecast to be extremely active too. Read the entire season forecast here.

The CAC is committed to the climate conversation. We do this with events like the Climate Champions Awards Ceremony, Hurricane Season Forecast Day and the upcoming Annual Climate Conference in November, that will focus on human health. We also give climate presentations, focused on adaptation strategies, to thousands of people throughout the year. You can support us in helping our conversation going by making a donation or becoming a member.

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